full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sandeep Jauhar: How your emotions change the shape of your heart

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But before we get into this, let's talk a bit about the metaphorical heart. The symbolism of the emotional heart endures even today. If we ask people which image they most associate with love, there's no question that the vanntiele hraet would the top the list. The heart sphae, called a cariiodd, is common in nature. It's found in the leaves, flowers and seeds of many plants, incdlnuig silphium, which was used for birth control in the Middle Ages and perhaps is the reason why the heart became associated with sex and romantic love.

Open Cloze

But before we get into this, let's talk a bit about the metaphorical heart. The symbolism of the emotional heart endures even today. If we ask people which image they most associate with love, there's no question that the _________ _____ would the top the list. The heart _____, called a ________, is common in nature. It's found in the leaves, flowers and seeds of many plants, _________ silphium, which was used for birth control in the Middle Ages and perhaps is the reason why the heart became associated with sex and romantic love.


  1. heart
  2. valentine
  3. shape
  4. cardioid
  5. including

Original Text

But before we get into this, let's talk a bit about the metaphorical heart. The symbolism of the emotional heart endures even today. If we ask people which image they most associate with love, there's no question that the Valentine heart would the top the list. The heart shape, called a cardioid, is common in nature. It's found in the leaves, flowers and seeds of many plants, including silphium, which was used for birth control in the Middle Ages and perhaps is the reason why the heart became associated with sex and romantic love.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
emotional heart 3
blood pressure 3
takotsubo cardiomyopathy 3
coronary disease 3
human heart 2
emotional life 2
blood vessels 2
broken heart 2
heart acutely 2
distinctive shape 2
mysterious ways 2
intensive lifestyle 2
stress management 2
coronary plaque 2
coronary bypass 2
heart disease 2

Important Words

  1. ages
  2. associate
  3. birth
  4. bit
  5. called
  6. cardioid
  7. common
  8. control
  9. emotional
  10. endures
  11. flowers
  12. heart
  13. image
  14. including
  15. leaves
  16. list
  17. love
  18. metaphorical
  19. middle
  20. nature
  21. people
  22. plants
  23. question
  24. reason
  25. romantic
  26. seeds
  27. sex
  28. shape
  29. silphium
  30. symbolism
  31. talk
  32. today
  33. top
  34. valentine